Here we go again! This year we’ve reached the 10th edition of Design Miami, a fair which came into being as a niche event but which has grown into something that can’t be missed, an institution that is becoming ever more important in the world of design. This year’s exposition was prepared with care, with pieces that united art with functionality, that fused great classics with innovative styles. The fair exudes an atmosphere of creativity, of originality, and of knowledge. With its use of avant-garde materials and forms, the exposition remains an indispensable stopping point for the discovery of new trends and important inspirations. Just to give some particulars, at this year’s edition the “Roman Lounge” exposition from Fendi, curated by the excellent architectural duo of “Dimore Studio”, was both elegant and carefully executed. Similarly excellent was the collection “Déchainements” by Italian architect Vincenzo de Cotiis, curated by the Lebanese gallery “Carwan Gallery”, a new entry for this year. In short, we can hardly wait for next year so we can go back!
Ci risiamo ancora. Siamo arrivati al 10 anniversario di Design Miami, nato come evento di nicchia ma ormai imperdibile e sempre piu’ importante nel panorama del Design .Un’esposizione ricercata , pezzi che uniscono arte e funzionalita’ , grandi classici e stili innovativi. Quello che si respira e’ creativita’, originalita’ e sapere: con materiali e forme all’avanguardia, rimane sicuramente tappa indispensabile per scoprire le nuove tendenze e trovare grandi ispirazioni. Qualche nome? elegante e ricercata l’esposizione di Fendi “Roman Lounge” curata dall’eccellente duo di architetti “DimoreStudio”, cosi’ come quella della galleria Libanese Carwan Gallery, new entry di quest’anno, con lac collezione”Dechainements” dell’architetto italiano Vincenzo de Cotiis. Che dire, siamo gia’ pronte a tornarci l’anno prossimo!
Carwan Gallery exposition
Zaha Hadid Collection

Moroso, Outdoor exposition
Hass Brothers, R&Company
Campana Brothers, Galleria O’Roma
Naihan Li, wooden cabinet shaped like OMA’s CCTV tower
Southern Guild,
Cape Town
Johnson Trading Gallery, New&Used
Gallerie Maria Wettergren, Paris
Galerie Jaques Lacoste
Daniel Libeskind table for Marina Abramovic installation
Nilufar Gallery, West lake table, Massimiliano Locatelli
Johnson Trading Gallery, New&Used
Nilufar Gallery, West lake table, Massimiliano Locatelli
Cristina Grajales Gallery
Roman Lounge/ Dimore Studio for Fendi
Privee Kollektie contemporary Art & Design
Roman Lounge/ Dimore Studio for Fendi
BMW Art Cars by Roy Lichtenstein
Zaha Hadid exhibition “Ten Years on”
Thinning Ice/ Jeanne Gang and Swarovski
Design Miami Outdoor
Edward Cella, Art+Architecture
Cristina Grajales Gallery
Carwan gallery
Moroso, outdoor furniture
Jason Jacques exposition
Pierre Marie Giraud
Joe Sheftel Gallery and Koenig & Clinton
Pierre Marie Giraud
Gallery Seomi
Cristina Grajales
Pierre Marie Giraud

Gallery Seomi
Ammann Gallery
Studio job, Landmark
Laffanour Galerie
Galleria O’ Roma
Southern Guild, Porky Hefer and Audrey Esca
Gallery, Vincenzo de Cotiis
Johnson Trading Gallery, New&Used
Studio Job, Landmark, Big Ben
60’s mirror
Studio Job, Landmark
Studio Job, Landmark
Peter Marino Istallation
Casati Gallery
Galerie VIVID/ Richard Woods & Sebastian Wrong